Indonesian company that shared their dividend twice a year


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Indonesian companies that pay their dividend twice a year

Investors often pay attention to issuers that pay out dividends twice a year. This is because apart from being financially healthy, these issuers are generally blue chip issuers who are safe in investing.
As is known, dividends or company profits are the right of every investor. If the average company distributes dividends once a year, it is not uncommon for issuers to distribute them twice a year.
Of course, for Investors, this is a distinct advantage; the more dividends distributed, the greater the value of the profits obtained.
So what are issuers that pay out dividends twice a year? Check out the discussion below based on information from various sources.
11 Issuers Paying Dividends Twice a Year

PT Astra International Tbk. (ASII)
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. (ITMG)
PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. (AKRA)
PT United Tractors Tbk. (UNTR)
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA)
PT Adaro Energy Tbk. (ADRO)
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (UNVR)
PT Astra Graphia Tbk. (ASGR)
PT Sido Muncul Herbal Medicine and Pharmaceutical Industries Tbk. (SIDO)
PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk. (TOWR)
PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk. (DMAS)

Explanation of Issuers Paying Dividends

1. PT Astra International Tbk (ASII)

PT Astra International Tbk posted a net profit of IDR 8.83 trillion as of June 2021. The interim dividend given is IDR 45 per share of the net profit in the first quarter of 2021, with IDR 1.82 trillion.
Then the final dividend will be distributed in April 2022 for IDR 194 per share. This means that in the 2021 financial year, ASII will allocate its dividend distribution profit to shareholders with IDR 239 per share.

2. PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG)

PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk distributed its interim dividends in June and November 2021, namely IDR 1.218 per share, with a total value of IDR 1.33 trillion.
Then the final dividend will be distributed in March 2022 with a larger value of IDR 4,900 per share. It's a very fantastic nominal. While in 2023, they shared 6400 IDR per share or 15% of the share price. 

3. PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA)

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk distributes dividends twice in 2021, namely in May and August. The first dividend distribution was made on May 28, 2021 with a value of IDR 75 per share.
Then proceed with the distribution of the second dividend on August 19, 2022, which is Rp. 60 per share, with a total value of Rp. 237 billion for the distribution of shares.

4. PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR)

PT United Tractors Tbk distributes interim dividends by the results of the AGMS, namely IDR 335 per share in October 2021.
Then the final cash dividend distribution, UNTR distributed dividends of IDR 1,240 per share, which were distributed in April 2022 with a total amount of IDR 4.6 trillion.

5. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA)

PT Bank Central Asia distributed interim dividends to shareholders in November 2021 of IDR 25 per share, with a total value of IDR 3.08 trillion.
Then the final dividend will be distributed in March 2022, IDR 120 per share. So that in total, within a year, BBCA distributes dividends to investors of IDR 145 per share.

6. PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO)

PT Adaro Energy Tbk distributed dividends of IDR 4.99 trillion in January 2022 of IDR 160.16 per share.
Then the Final Dividend was distributed in May of IDR 141.39 per share for IDR 4.39 trillion.

7. PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR)

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk distributed dividends in November 2021 of IDR 66 per share, with a total value of IDR 2.51 trillion.
Then the final cash dividend will be distributed in June 2022 for IDR 84 per share, with a total value of IDR 3.2 trillion.

8. PT Astra Graphia Tbk (ASGR)

PT Astra Graphia Tbk distributed an interim dividend of IDR 7 per share in October 2021, with a total IDR 9.44 billion.
Then ASGR distributed its final dividend in April 2022, namely IDR 19 per share, with a total value of IDR 26.7 billion.

9. PT Sido Muncul Tbk Herbal Medicine and Pharmaceutical Industry (SIDO)

PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk distributed an interim dividend of IDR 15.30 per share.
Then in October 2021, SIDO distributed bonuses in the form of shares to investors of 222,253,602 shares.

10. PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk (TOWR)

PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk distributed an interim dividend in December 2021 of IDR 6 per share with a total IDR 306.08 billion.
Then TOWR distributed its final dividend in May 2022 of IDR 21 per share.

11. PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (DMAS)

PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk distributed its cash interim dividend in December 2021 of IDR 12 per share, with a total value of IDR 578.37 billion.
Then DMAS distributed its final cash dividend in June 2022 of IDR 2.5 per share, with a total value of IDR 120.49 billion.
So the total division

Current rating: 4.5



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