Germany profile


Country Profile of Germany

Germany is a country located on the European continent with a form of government of the Federal Parliamentary Republic. Germany was split into two countries due to defeat in the Second World War, the western part of Germany which was controlled by the allies of France, Britain and the United States and then on May 23, 1949 formed a new country as the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) with its capital in Bonn while the eastern part of Germany which was controlled by the Soviet Union and formed a new country on October 7, 1949, as the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) and had its capital in Berlin.

However, the two countries were successfully reunited into one country by the name of the Federal Republic of Germany on October 3, 1990. This October 3 was later celebrated as German Unity Day. After reunification, the capital of Germany was set in the city of Berlin.

Geographical Conditions

Astronomically, Germany, which has an area of ​​357,022km2, is located between 47⁰LU-55⁰ LU and 6⁰ BT-15⁰BT. Geographically, Germany is bordered by Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the east while to the west is the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. To the south, Germany borders Switzerland and Austria.

In North Germany is the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and also borders Denmark.

Demographic Conditions
Germany has a population of 80,722,792 people and is the country with the most population in Europe. The majority of Germans are Christians (68%) of whom 34% are Protestant Christians and 34% are Catholic Christians. German is the official language of the German state.

Germany is a country that adheres to the system of government of the Federal Parliamentary Parliament, namely a country whose head of state is a President and the head of government is a Chancellor (at the level of Prime Minister). The German President who is only a ceremonial position is elected every 5 years by 630 members of the German Federal Convention. While the position of Chancellor was won automatically by the main candidate party winning the German federal elections held every 4 years.

Economic conditions
In the field of Economy, the country which has the full name of the Federal Republic of Germany is the country with the strongest and largest economy in the European continent. The German workforce is highly capable and has a high level of innovation. Gross Domestic Income or GDP based on German Purchasing Power Parity in 2016 was US $ 3.979 trillion with economic growth of around 1.7%, the high GDP value made Germany the 5th largest economy in the world. While the German people's per capita income is US $ 48,200. Germany is a high-tech industrial country producing steel, iron, coal, food and beverage, chemicals, automotive products, electronics, shipping, textiles, machinery and industrial equipment. Germany's main export commodities include Automotive products, machinery, chemicals, electrical products, computer and electronic products, transportation products, steel, textiles, food ingredients, rubber and plastics.

In foreign relations, Germany is a member of the United Nations and also specialized institutions or organizations under the United Nations, OECD, G8, G20, European Union and NATO.

Country Profile of Germany (Germany)
Following are the full profile of Germany (Germany):

Full Name: Federal Republic of Germany
Local Name: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Form of Government: Parliamentary Federal Republic
Head of State: President Joachim GAUCK (since March 23, 2012)
Head of Government: Chancellor Angela MERKEL (since 22 November 2005)
Capital: Berlin
Area: 357,022km2

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