Template of feedback survey from your webinar


Do you just finish in being a speaker of a webinar?

Are you wondering how well your webinars resonate with the attendees?

There is a simple way to figure it out – ask for feedback via polls, surveys, or open letters.

Why Feedback is important! 

The reasons are manifold. Check out some of them below:

  • Feedback helps identify what works and what doesn’t in your webinar. This allows you to make more informed choices the next time and improve as a result.
  • You can also get ideas for future events. For example, you may suggest various webinar topics, and your attendees can help you identify the best one.
  • Sharing their opinions makes participants feel like they matter (and they do). They can open up to you, which provides for a deeper personal connection.
  • Finally, you can use attendee testimonials to market your future webinars to potential viewers and diversify your landing page.

Now that you know the whys, it’s time to think of the best ways to ask for feedback.

One of the webinar event that I just attend 

When to Ask for Webinar Feedback

There are three main times to ask for feedback:

1. Before the webinar via email

Sending a small poll to the webinar registrants enables you to find the attendees’ pain points before the event and adapt your content accordingly.

Make sure you address only the most frequent requests and do not spread yourself thin. Give yourself at least two weeks for thorough preparation.

2. During the webinar via an embedded poll

The most effective way to ask for feedback is, of course, to run a small poll as a part of the webinar.

While many people would simply ignore emails, many would not mind filling in a one-minute survey right in between your presentation and a Q&A session.

Survey during webinar

3. After the webinar via a survey

Send a quick survey to attendees and non-attendees within 2 hours after the webinar airs.

This is how you can evaluate the success of your event as well as get some insights for your future endeavors.

Webinar evaluation Survey
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Make sure to remember the no-shows who chose to watch your webinar after the fact. According to BigMarker, 28% of people want the ability to watch the event after it airs.

Even though they were not present at a live event, they are still your consumers with valuable ideas of their own.

How to Ask for Webinar Feedback

There are different types of questions you can ask. Let’s review the most common ones:

Single choice questions

These are good for general questions such as the attendee demographics: age, gender, location, employment or marital status.

Please note that while these answers can be quite useful for the future marketing strategy, not everyone will be comfortable sharing personal information with you.

It’s your attendees’ right not to disclose their private data – and you should respect that. Such questions should always be optional, no matter how helpful the answers could be.

The general rule is to avoid personal questions altogether unless they are relevant to the content you deliver.

Multiple-choice questions

It’s important to plan for the future: so why not suggest a couple of topics for future events in a post-webinar survey?

Here it’s a good idea to allow your viewers to arrange the topics in the order of preference. This way you get a better sense of the customers’ wants and needs.

Multiple choise question

Open-ended questions

Open-ended answers are hard to analyze, especially when you’ve got a bigger audience. That is why such questions are better-suited for webinar creators with a smaller number of viewers.

However, you may still do them with bigger audiences: just single out the most frequently used words and focus your analysis on them.

open-ended question

When you are a beginner, it’s crucial to listen to your audience, since you lack experience and really need their feedback to grow.

The possible variants here are:

1) Why did you decide to join our webinar? / Why did you decide to skip the event?

2) What was your favorite part of the webinar? What did you like the least?

3) Did we meet your expectations? How could we do it better?

Of course, there are many more questions you can ask – it all depends on your individual situation. However, even these simple inquiries will help you greatly in customizing your future events.

Scale questions

You’ve seen these questions numerous times before. We recommend that you use them extensively since they are really easy to answer: all attendees need to do is click on a number from 1 to 10.

scale questions

Examples are:
1) On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the content of the webinar?

2) On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy are you with the Q$A session?

3) On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the event to your friends and colleagues?

Again, these are just some examples. Your questions will depend on your industry, the webinar topic, and the type of feedback you want to obtain.

Tips to Get the Webinar Feedback

Let’s say you have the questions at the ready – now how do you get your attendees and even the no-shows to answer them?

Here are some useful tips to boost your chances:

Keep the email/questions/ short

No one likes reading 5-line paragraphs only to be lost in the middle. Keep your emails and questions short and to the point.

Thank your viewers/no shows

Thank them in the beginning for showing interest in your webinar. Say thank them in advance for filling in the survey.

This is not cheesy – merely professional. Keep the good vibes flowing and, maybe (just maybe), your participants will carve out a minute or two out of their busy schedules.

Offer reward at the end

Something as simple as the presentation slides or a webinar transcript is better than nothing at all. So even if you do not have a book or any previous recordings to share, offering even the smallest reward can save the day.

Mention how quick it will be

It will take just a minute, I swear.

People are scared of long-winded surveys filled with hundreds of questions. It’s best if you let them know from the start that this is not what your poll/survey is going to be.


Webinar feedback surveys are key to your growth as a presenter and a webinar creator. Do not treat them lightly: by asking the right questions at the right time you can make a world of difference in your webinar strategy.

Here is the template from Survey Monkey 

Thank you for your participation in a webinar to learn about the Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework. We would value your responses to these evaluation questions.

Question Title

1. Did you have any technical difficulties participating in the webinar?
(select all that apply)

Question Title

*2. Did the webinar give you an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the Framework?

Question Title

*3. How well did you understand the Framework components BEFORE participating in the webinar?

Question Title

*4. How well do you understand the Framework components AFTER participating in the webinar?

Question Title

*5. How well did you understand how the Framework might be used BEFORE participating in the webinar?

Question Title

*6. How well do you understand how the Framework might be used AFTER participating in the webinar?

Question Title

7. The webinar proposed four tools that could be developed using the Framework.
Rank the tools from 1 to 4 according to how useful you think they would be (with 1 being most useful and 4 being least useful).


Question Title

*8. Do you think the Framework would be useful for you?

Question Title

*9. Are you interested in participating in future webinars or workshops on the Framework?

Question Title

10. Do you have any additional comments about the webinar or the Framework?

Currently unrated



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