Lugano - the hidden gem from Swiszterland



Lugano is a fashionable city and has a charming lake. This is one of the beautiful destinations of Switzerland.

Lugano lends its name to a fashionable city and charming lakes in the Italian Lake District, and this region has the characteristics of Swiss heritage and its Italian closeness. This fashionable city with 40,000 inhabitants is located in the Canton of Ticino Switzerland.

Lugano adorns the lakeside with tree-lined pedestrian areas, majestic hotels, banks, and office buildings, while far above it, Mount San Salvatore and Mount Bre flank the city and provide a stunning wooden backdrop that lulls villages on a charming mountain peak.


Lugano is the leading city of Ticino Swiss-speaking Cantonese. Switzerland is bordered by many countries, this is what makes this country have a great diversity of languages. Lugano is one of them. Its location which borders Italy, makes residents here use Italian as their language. Just a short train ride away, we can see many beautiful views outside the window, crossing the Alps from Germany and France in Switzerland. Lugano has a beautiful Mediterranean atmosphere, which is a pity to miss.

The beautiful lake makes many tourists come here. Not a few also tourists who come here just to shop. Sit on the edge of the lake, while enjoying the beauty that is in plain sight. Walk around the lake, sit at the cafe, or we can also enjoy the beauty of the lake by taking a tour boat.


The tourist information office offers a variety of visits, such as to the Gandria fishing village, to the top of San Salvatore, and to the peak of Monte Bre, including a short boat ride. Tours are given in two languages ​​at the same time, usually Italian and English) Around the lake there are many cafes, as well as beautiful gardens that we can visit. Tired of walking, we can enjoy a beautiful garden accompanied by many delicious Gelato available around the park.


If you only have a few hours in the city, be sure to walk along the lake and pass Parco Ciani. Green and lush scenery with swans roaming around, it is truly beautiful. After a walk, head to the Lugano Museum of Art and Culture (LAC, Lugano Arte e Cultura). The exterior itself is a beautiful work of art.

If you want a better view here, you can do hiking. Monte San Salvatore can be an option to visit, from here we can see the sights of Switzerland and Italy. Or we can visit Monte Boglia, which is located further away, city views and beautiful mountain ranges we can see from here. If you are the type of person who is relaxed, walking on the Gandria Trail (Sentiero in Gandria) is perfect for you. Gandria is a lakeside village filled with 16th and 17th century Italian houses and restaurants serving local Ticense food.


Although Lugano is a rather quiet city, there are many small bars and other beverage choices. Ticino produces wine, so most of the wine available there is locally produced in the nearby vineyards.

Current rating: 5



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