Artist created a blended cat art with the landscape


Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng Swee

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Many of us have tried looking for shapes in the clouds, but what about entire landscapes? Kuala Lumpur-based artist Lim Heng Swee (aka ilovedoodle) creates graphic illustrations depicting cats that seamlessly blend into mountains, waves, and skylines.

Swee’s playful Cat Landscape series of minimalist illustrations look like depictions of an otherworldly cat planet. He playfully takes inspiration from Japanese painters like the great Hokusai. In one image, a group of white cats appear to roll with the movement of frothy waves (á la The Great Wave), and in another, a feline plays with the sun as if it’s a ball of string. The artist says, “Recently, I started to explore minimal landscape art and found that the curves and shapes of the land have a lot of similarities with the curve and shape of the cat.”

From snow-capped meowtains to cat-shaped clouds, Swee’s pawsome work is sure to put a smile on your face. In fact, that’s exactly his mission—his mantra is “Doodling A Smile.”

Take a look at Swee’s Cat Landscape illustrations below. If you like his work, you can buy your favorites from his collection on Etsy.

Lim Heng Swee creates minimalist illustrations that depict cats as part of colorful landscapes.

Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng Swee
Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng Swee

The shapes of the land blend purrfectly with the curves of the cats.

Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng Swee
Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng Swee

Each piece is like an image from an otherworldly cat planet!

Cat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeCat Landscape Illustrations by Lim Heng SweeLim Heng 

The art is taken from Lim Heng Swee.

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