Pray for Lebanon


Today morning, I was shocked by the news that happening yesterday, the explosion of 2750 ton ammonium nitrate. 

For comparison, here is what happening in Texas, when it was 30 tons of ammonium nitrate. 

And for comparison, this is one what happened in Lebanon yesterday Another video shows how big the explosion is

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The powerful explosion that rocked Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday (4/8/2020) at 18.07 local time, killed at least 78 people and injured nearly 4,000 others.

Lebanese security officials revealed that the incident was thought to have originated from an explosion of around 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate in one of the warehouses in the port city of Beirut. The explosion that originated from the seashore caused a shock wave with a very wide range, causing the destruction of the windows of the buildings around and large enough shocks. The enormity of the explosion can also be witnessed through a number of amateur video uploads that could capture the moment of the explosion. Launching Sky News, Wednesday (05/08/2020) armed with video observations and information from eyewitnesses, Chris Hunter, a bomb disposal expert, explained his analysis of the explosion in Beirut. Also read: Second Big Blasts Rattling Coastal Beirut, Lebanon Not gunpowder or ammunition Former British intelligence official said, seen from the explosion of white, pink, and red smoke, most likely the explosion in Beirut was not caused by gunpowder or ammo.

"When an explosion occurs, there are usually two types of smoke that appear, either black or white. If the smoke is black, then the explosion is confirmed to occur due to explosives that are used by the military or terrorists," Hunter said. Meanwhile, if what appears is white smoke, the explosion occurs due to explosives with low explosive power. "From my observations, the dark red color comes from fire, which may come from burning material, furniture, or paint. It could also come from a puff of dust in the area," said Hunter, who joined the military since the age of 16. This also determines whether explosives have high or low explosive power. High explosive power is characterized by supersonic shock waves, while low explosive power results in a fire.

"The first thing that came to mind when I saw this big explosion was that it was very unlikely to come from gunpowder or ammunition. It was more suitable for something with low explosive power, like a fireworks explosion," Hunter said. Not only explosives Explosion is not only triggered by explosives. Often, a mixture of dust and combustible material can trigger an explosion.

"So places like sawdust factories, flour mills, and sugar factories can also cause explosions. It could be that one of the flammable materials ignited and then triggered an explosion," Hunter said Lebanese security officials said that the area of ​​the explosion was filled with explosive material, but no explosive material. What is the difference? Hunter explained, there are ingredients that if triggered properly, can cause an explosion. For example, oxygen cylinders in hospitals can explode if heated at the right temperature. Another example, for example, LPG gas that is used daily, under certain conditions LPG gas can also explode. When gunpowder or fireworks are placed in a closed container, then ignited with fire, the surface of the material will burn evenly. The combustion also releases gas.

One thing that is unique about explosives with low explosive power is that if the pressure is increased, added to the fire, and placed in a closed container that does not allow gas to escape, then an explosion occurs.

According to Hunter, one of the biggest challenges the fire fighting team has to face is whether all material has really exploded. "We see a very large explosion. However, when the fire department goes there, they are not only dealing with a fire. There is a risk of death, a collapsed building, and we do not know whether all the material has exploded, or there is still that has not been triggered, "Hunter said. In 2005, the murder of former Beirut Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri was killed in a car bomb in downtown Beirut.

Hunter became an expert witness in the trial held in Hague. "Beirut is a city with a dense population. Although there are firefighters and other emergency services, any city that experiences and witnesses such a huge explosion, at first it will be difficult to handle it immediately," said Hunter. "In particular, Beirut has only a small amount of public transportation and limited roads. So, there is a high possibility of traffic congestion which would certainly hamper the first handling," he added.

Current rating: 5



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